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Welcome back, readers! Thank you for continuing on this journey of ballpark appreciation. What would this world be without creativity? Those of you reading on mobile may have noticed extreme overlap between texts and images in Part 1 and Part 2. I am new to "website creating" and I'm unsure how to resolve the issue at this time. For a smoother experience, I recommend consuming this series on a computer. Before we get to #108 and beyond, a few honorable mentions:

                                                                                             Fiserv Field jaschiff
This field channels the spirit of Houston’s home fiel
d - albeit, airier and less enclosed. 
















                                                                                                     Green Rocks (subterranean)

                                                                     Many would ask “why?” — but this creator declared, “Why not!?” 
                                                                    A wonderfully unique field - click here for the full experience


                                                                                            Sweeps II Ballpark - MichaelScarn19

                                                              When Michael Scarn is involved, you know it’s going to be interesting.

                                       Come get swept up in this aesthetically unique stadium - keep an eye out for ice cream vendor Creed.

                                                                                   Just make sure he gives you the correct change.  














                                                                                                       The Osaka Oasis 

                                                                                       A bold, blue Japanese extravaganza.

                                                 The Osaka Oasis would make a splendid home for a Mini Seasons team from Japan.
















108. Humana Hillside - Jaschiff
A well-crafted, highly realistic ball field, Humana Hillside is a swell place to play ball. Asymmetrical outfield fencing is a creative style choice, and it works well.
















































107. Stars Park (Hawaii)

There are two great stadiums with this name. This version is located in Hawaii, where ‘aloha’ means goodbye, and that baby is outta here!






















 106. Chiraq Prison Yard
 The lesser - but still outstanding - of the two popular “prison” fields, Chiraq has a less desolate feel than The Prison Yard, and less attention to   small details, but it comes with a brighter, more “full” atmosphere. Take your pick, inmates.


















Part 3

105. Lake Moderno 2051
Pictures don’t do the atmosphere of Lake Moderno justice. With massive stone concourses, an assortment of modern blue hues, and water features scattered across the outfield backdrop, this stadium has a life of its own. A few noticeable rough edges on the concourse keep it from being ranked higher.



























104. Audi Field
A stylish, symmetrical, open-faced stadium that gives fans and players plenty of room to breathe. This park features perhaps the most well-done company logo of any field to date.












103. Secor Park 

While it lacks the skyline landscape of the true modern classics (SF, PIT), Secor Park captures the feel of a real modern park. Its most distinct feature is the clear right field wall - a visual concept that birthed many imitators. As they say, imitation is the purest form of Sean Connery.  


















102. Rooster Mill Park - xEDxLBxNYx

A colorful, intimate field with unique pizazz. The tasteful red barn behind home plate compensates for the inexplicable lighthouse in right center. Come for the atmosphere, stay for the rotisserie.
































101. Charles Schwab Field of Omaha 

An understated, pristine field. Crafted with care.

















100. Cisco Field  
When you have an opportunity to name something after D-grade food that can be marked up to B+ pricing, you have to do it. Overall, this brick and concrete stadium captures the feel of middle America, or perhaps Texas; an older type of charm for an older type of game. While this stadium appears to lack the exquisite refinement and attention to detail that some of our top contenders possess, this is a great field in its own right. Just ask those jolly fans in the right field pool.  

































99. Coors Park 23  
A fresh take on a Rockies home park, this field scraps the triple-decker seating of Coors Field and opts for something a bit more intimate (yet refined!). The sacrifice is worth it, as the openness of the field and the sights of the city bring the field to life. The two giant wolf statues are arguably an unnecessary addition, and pull attention away from the beautiful setting.  












Coors Park 23_edited.jpg
Coors Park 23 (2)_edited_edited.jpg

98. Cactus Prod, AZ
A pleasant Spring Training style field with all the charm of Scottsdale, but more Arizona scenery. Splash hits, straw hut hits, and a wide selection of ballpark eats, this is a Spring Training classic, and a gem in an overlooked and underdone genre 
(Spring Training fields).


















97. Ye Old Times 
Gather ye fans for this timeless classic, ripped straight out of the early 21st century. This is a great park with an even greater name. Strong design, strong execution.















96. Estadio Santiago Bernabéu - r03ab06
A gorgeous field located in Spain, this park is classy and stylish and everything one could hope for in an international ball field. 






















95. Showbox
A hilarious park that strongly mirrors Squid Games' first level. I don’t want to know what happens to the losers here.


































94. Baseball Garden - ItsTwoTho

Outside-the-box design and creativity earn this field a spot in the top 100. Baseball Garden is a creative, futuristic field with an atmosphere like no other.










93. Camden Yards 1930
A delightful take on the “modern” ballpark that paved the way for many parks, this gorgeous field feels snatched from the notes of baseball history. The creator of this park created a distinct atmosphere with a brick theme and savvy craftsmanship of grand stands, while displaying an elite eye for detail. This is a wonderful stadium worthy of the revered Camden Yards name. 











92. Tiger Stadium in 68 
A stadium that ought to be included with the game’s “classic stadiums”, this park is a terrific re-creation which captures the essence of the real version. All we need now is a Bobby Higginson card.  

91. Boulevard Park

Welcome to Colorado Springs! This neighborhood ballpark was crafted with lots of love and care - and it shows. With suburbs just beyond the outfield walls, analysts expected home prices in the area to rise with the construction of the stadium — however, the sudden onslaught of head injuries to pedestrians actually caused prices to plummet. 

90. Tropicana Park

One of many re-imaginings of Tropicana Park, this field utilizes collosal beams to open up the stadium while also providing shade. A water feature brightens the concourse beyond left field, while boats cruise by in the background. Question for the culturally informed: are there really steamboats in Tampa?


89. Blue Sox Park - Laracco 
Smoother than a babies bumper, this visually splendid field captures the essence of old.

88. SYNRG Park
A spacious, welcoming park extremely well-suited for a Major League team, this park takes elements of Coors Field and Safeco.

87. Bayside Tropicana
A lesser man might start to get confused with all these Tropicana named stadiums - but my memory is fresh from drinking lots of home-squeezed orange juice. This ballpark is a marvel, with its most distinctive feature being the grand stone beams displayed beyond the outfield. In left field, a row of perfectly planted palm trees mark the stadium’s end, beyond which hammered baseballs may submerse in the canal. The turquoise seats do cause one to wonder: could this, alternatively, be a home for the Miami Marlins? It almost makes too much sense. 

Thank you for reading!   Part 4 coming soon. 

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